Saenz Global Drives $2M+ Cash Flow Increase for Roofing Contractor in 9 Months

At Saenz Global, we pride ourselves on empowering roofing contractors to reach new heights through exceptional back-office support. Today, we're excited to share a remarkable success story from one of our clients, demonstrating the transformative impact of our services over a nine-month period.

The Challenge

Our client, a mid-sized roofing contractor, was struggling with the administrative burdens that come with managing a growing business. With their business lacking an upward trajectory of growth and a high-volume season approaching in their region, they looked to revamp their operations. Staff, training, and operational gaps played a significant role across the board, prompting them to reach out to Saenz Global. With our experience, we addressed their pain points alongside them. They faced several challenges, including:

  • High Overhead Costs: The roofing company was spending a significant amount on administrative staff and processes with no set process or standard operating procedures for tasks.
  • Permit Management: A high volume of projects requiring permits, managing the application and approval process was time-consuming and error-prone.
  • Task Overload: The team was overwhelmed with a high volume of tasks, including lead generation, follow-ups, reviving dead leads, invoicing, and managing builds.
  • Cash Flow Issues: Despite a steady stream of projects, inefficient back-office processes were hindering cash flow.
  • Time Constraints: The owner and key staff were spending excessive hours on administrative tasks, limiting their focus on core business activities.

Our Approach

Our efforts encompassed a comprehensive plan to support their roofing business. We began by modifying their CRM build-out, targeting specific gaps in the lead management process, tracking documents, providing quicker turnaround times with estimates and proposals for sales reps, and implementing best practices.

Key Components of Our Strategy

  1. Administrative Process Improvement: We started by efficiently modifying their CRM workflow to fit their projects from start to finish, mainly by “status” instead of “job type.” With the boards in place, we streamlined administrative processes using CRM functionalities, automating triggers and tasks once they were moved to certain locations on the board. This allowed us to maintain speed and over-communication on all fronts, delegating appropriate tasks to our skilled back-office team and freeing up the client’s staff. This, in turn, enabled us to update invoices, estimates, and documentation for the team and sales reps.
  1. Inbound Support Calls, Email Management, and Reporting Systems: We ideated, developed, and tackled the handling and organization of inbound support calls, email management, and reporting systems. With important data points available to clients, we began reviving dead leads and driving potential leads to customers.
  1. Efficient Permit Management: Our team took over the entire permit application process, widening the volume for more projects to be approved and constructed. With a set process and spreadsheets in place, the team maintained meticulous records while also following up with local counties to ensure all documentation was complete. By leveraging technology to prioritize high-ticket clients in both the retail and commercial spaces, we reduced delays and improved cash flow with payments being collected.

The Results

After nine months of dedicated support and strategic implementation, the results were nothing short of impressive:

  • $120,000 Saved in Overhead Costs: By automating and streamlining administrative tasks, the client significantly reduced the need for additional in-house administrative staff.
  • 200+ Permits Pulled: Our efficient permit management process ensured that all necessary permits were obtained without delays, keeping projects on track.
  • Over 11,000 Tasks Completed: With the burden of administrative tasks lifted, the client’s team could focus on their core activities, enhancing overall productivity.
  • $2 Million+ Increase in Cash Flow
  • 100+ Hours Saved: The client and their key staff saved over 100 hours, allowing them to dedicate more time to strategic planning and client engagement.

Added Value

Properly setting up a roofing business’s back office drastically improves the experience for both business owners and clients. This allows the business to scale quickly, freeing up time for more strategic thinking and having a positive impact. This case study exemplifies how Saenz Global’s comprehensive back-office support can transform a roofing contractor’s business. By addressing administrative challenges, improving efficiency, and enhancing cash flow, we enabled our client to focus on what they do best—selling and installing roofs.

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